sokol_gfx.h Backend Tour: OpenGL
I recently did a bit of code cleanup in the existing sokol-gfx backends as preparation for the new WebGPU backend (which is currently early work-in-progress).
And with the GL, D3D11 and Metal backends somewhat stable for quite a while now, it’s a good opportunity to have a closer look on what the different backends look like under the hood and how they differ.
First a general overview:
How sokol_gfx.h backends are implemented
Backends are entirely ‘compile time beasts’ integrated with the backend-agnostic code via conditional compilation. Backend-specific code also lives entirely on the ‘implementation side’, meaning the public API is completely backend-agnostic and bit for bit the same no matter what backend is selected.
There are no ‘virtual function tables’ or ‘void pointers’ connecting backend-agnostic data structures with backend-specific data, this ‘static nature’ of backends gives the compiler/linker good optimization opportunities when sokol_gfx.h is linked as a static library, and since the public API is entirely backend-agnostic, also allows to compile sokol-gfx into backend-specific DLLs which can be loaded into and used from the same executable.
A new backend is created by implementing a specific set of structs and functions and then wrapping those structs and functions into general type- and function names which are then used by the higher-level parts of sokol-gfx.
All structs and functions belonging to a specific backend have a specific name prefix (this prefix isn’t technically necessary but makes the code easier to read and search):
- OpenGL backend structs and functions start with: _sg_gl_…
- D3D11 backend: _sg_d3d11_…
- Metal backend: _sg_mtl_…
- WebGPU backend (WIP): _sg_wgpu_…
A backend must define the following structs (using the GL backend prefixes as example):
- _sg_gl_buffer_t: all state for a buffer object
- _sg_gl_image_t: ditto for image object
- _sg_gl_shader_t: …shader object
- _sg_gl_pipeline_t: …pipeline object
- _sg_gl_pass_t: …render pass object
- _sg_gl_context_t: …context object
- plus a special global ‘backend state’ struct _sg_gl_backend_t
The ‘resource structs’ are typedef’ed to common names used in the higher-level backend-agnostic code based on the selected backend:
typedef _sg_gl_buffer_t _sg_buffer_t;
typedef _sg_gl_image_t _sg_image_t;
typedef _sg_gl_shader_t _sg_shader_t;
typedef _sg_gl_pipeline_t _sg_pipeline_t;
typedef _sg_gl_pass_t _sg_pass_t;
typedef _sg_gl_context_t _sg_context_t;
Those common structs contain both backend-agnostic and backend-specific data as nested structs:
typedef struct {
_sg_slot_t slot;
_sg_buffer_common_t cmn;
struct {
// Gl-specific stuff
} gl;
} _sg_gl_buffer_t;
The slot struct is the same across all common resource-type structs and stores resource-pool housekeeping data. The cmn struct holds ‘backend-agnostic’ resource-type-specific data, this is usually needed only for the validation layer and (currently) dead-weight when the validation layer is disabled (this will be subject to another code cleanup pass eventually). Finally the gl nested struct stores data that’s specific to the GL backend.
Higher up in the backend-agnostic code parts, and after being typedef’ed to a backend-agnostic name like _sg_buffer_t, these resource-structs are used in resource-pools (which is essentially just a fancy name for a flat array of those structs).
On to the backend-functions: The idea here is the same as for structs. There’s a specific set of backend-specific functions which are then wrapped in common backend-agnostic function names which are called by the higher level code.
This is the list of functions a backend must implement (again, with the GL prefixes as examples). Those functions should be quite familiar since they are equivalent to public API function names:
- _sg_gl_setup_backend()
- _sg_gl_discard_backend()
- _sg_gl_reset_state_cache()
- _sg_gl_create_context()
- _sg_gl_destroy_context()
- _sg_gl_activate_context()
- _sg_gl_create_buffer()
- _sg_gl_destroy_buffer()
- _sg_gl_create_image()
- _sg_gl_destroy_image()
- _sg_gl_create_shader()
- _sg_gl_destroy_shader()
- _sg_gl_create_pipeline()
- _sg_gl_destroy_pipeline()
- _sg_gl_create_pass()
- _sg_gl_destroy_pass()
- _sg_gl_begin_pass()
- _sg_gl_end_pass()
- _sg_gl_commit()
- _sg_gl_apply_viewport()
- _sg_gl_apply_scissor_rect()
- _sg_gl_apply_pipeline()
- _sg_gl_apply_bindings()
- _sg_gl_apply_uniforms()
- _sg_gl_draw()
- _sg_gl_update_buffer()
- _sg_gl_append_buffer()
- _sg_gl_update_image()
There are two small special-case internal helper functions which are needed for the backend-agnostic code to pull some data from backend-specific data structures (this is probably an indication of a small design-wart which should be solved better):
- _sg_gl_pass_color_image()
- _sg_gl_pass_ds_image()
So all in all, a new sokol-gfx backend must define 7 data structures and 30 functions.
What follows now is a closer look at the GL backend, essentially, how the backend functions map to GL functions. The GL backend is by far the most complex sokol-gfx backend, so the following might look a bit overwhelming and boring. It will all make a bit more sense when being compared to the D3D11 and Metal backends though.
How sokol-gfx functions map to GL functions
- depending on the underlying GL API (GLES2/GLES3/GL3.3) available extensions are inspected (glGetString(), glGetIntegerv(), glGetStringi())
- GL limits are queried (glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE), etc…)
no GL functions are called
The following GL functions are called to bring GL and sokol-gfx into a defined “default state”:
- glBindVertexArray() (not on GLES2)
- 2x glBindBuffer() to clear the GL_ARRAY_BUFFER and GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER slots
- 12x (SG_MAX_SHADERSTAGE_IMAGES) to clear all texture bindings:
- glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0+i)
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE2D, 0)
- glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP, 0)
- not on GLES2: glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_3D)
- not on GLES2: glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY)
- up to 16x (for each vertex attribute slot):
- glDisableVertexAttribArray()
- reset depth-stencil state:
- glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST)
- glDepthFunc(GL_ALWAYS)
- glDepthMask(GL_FALSE)
- glDisable(GL_STENCIL_TEST)
- glStencilFunc(GL_ALWAYS, 0, 0)
- glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP)
- glStencilMask(0)
- reset blend state:
- glDisable(GL_BLEND)
- glBlendFuncSeparate(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO, GL_ONE, GL_ZERO)
- glBlendEquationSeparate(GL_FUNC_ADD, GL_FUNC_ADD)
- glBlendColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)
- reset rasterizer state:
- glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE)
- glFrontFace(GL_CW)
- glCullFace(GL_BACK)
- glEnable(GL_DITHER)
- only on GL3.3: glEnable(GL_MULTISAMPLE)
- only on GL3.3: glEnable(GL_PROGRAM_POINT_SIZE)
- glGetIntegerv(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING): queries the default framebuffer binding because this is different from zero on some platforms
- glGenVertexArrays(1, ..); glBindVertexArray(): This creates and binds a global vertex array object, which is required on GLES3 and GL3.3 Core Profile.
- glDeleteVertexArrays(): destroys the global VAO (not on GLES2)
This calls _sg_gl_reset_state_cache() which is necessary to bring sokol-gfx into a defined state after the GL context has been switched.
To create an immutable buffer with data, the following GL functions are called:
- glGenBuffers(1, …)
- glBufferData(…): without data to allocate underlying storage
- glBufferSubData(…): to copy the actual data into the buffer
For dynamic buffers, the following GL functions are called twice (to enable double-buffered data updates later):
- glGenBuffers(1, …)
- glBufferData(…): with size but no data to allocate underlying storage
For each GL buffer created in _sg_gl_create_buffer(), glDeleteBuffers() is called.
- if the image is a depth-stencil-rendertarget texture:
- glGenRenderBuffers()
- glBindRenderBuffer()
- glRenderBufferStorage() OR glRenderBufferStorageMultisample()
- otherwise (no depth-stencil rendertarget):
- if this is a render target, and not GLES2, and multi-sampled:
- glGenRenderBuffers()
- glBindRenderBuffer()
- glRenderBufferStorageMultisample()
- if this is an immutable image, do the following once, otherwise twice:
- glGenTextures(1, …)
- glActiveTexture() + glBindTexture()
- up to 11x glTexParameter() for setting various sampler parameters
- for each face (1 or 6):
- for each mipmap surface:
- glCompressedTexImage2D() OR
- glTexImage2D() OR
- glCompressedTexImage3D() OR
- glTexImage3D()
- for each mipmap surface:
- glActiveTexture() + glBindTexture() (to restore original texture binding)
- if this is a render target, and not GLES2, and multi-sampled:
- 1x or 2x: glDeleteTexture()
- up to 2x: glDeleteRenderBuffers()
- 2x for compiling vertex- and fragment-shader:
- glCreateShader()
- glShaderSource()
- glCompileShader()
- if compilation failed:
- glGetShaderiv()
- glGetShaderInfoLog()
- glDeleteShader()
- glCreateProgram()
- 2x glAttachShader()
- glLinkProgram()
- 2x glDeleteShader()
- glGetProgramiv(..GL_LINK_STATUS..)
- if failed:
- glGetProgramiv()
- glGetProgramInfoLog()
- glDeleteProgram()
- resolve uniform locations:
- for each shader stage:
- for each uniform block in shader stage:
- for each uniform in uniform block:
- glGetUniformLocation()
- for each uniform in uniform block:
- for each uniform block in shader stage:
- for each shader stage:
- resolve image locations:
- for each shader stage:
- for each image in shader stage:
- glGetUniformLocation()
- for each image in shader stage:
- for each shader stage:
- glDeleteProgram() (that’s it)
If the pipeline’s vertex layout contains vertex attribute names, those are resolved into locations here:
- up to 16x glGetAttribLocation()
…and that’s it.
…nothing here.
- glGetIntegerv(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING,…) to store the current frame buffer binding
- glGenFramebuffer()
- glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, …)
- if this is an MSAA pass:
- for each color attachment:
- glFramebufferRenderbuffer()
- for each color attachment:
- otherwise (not an MSAA pass):
- for each color attachment, depending on attachment type:
- glFramebufferTexture2D() OR
- glFramebufferTextureLayer()
- for each color attachment, depending on attachment type:
- if a depth-stencil-attachment exists:
- glFramebufferRenderbuffer() for the depth-attachment
- and optionally glFramebufferRenderbuffer() for the stencil-attachment
- glCheckFramebufferStatus() to make sure the framebuffer is complete
- if this is an MSAA pass, create ‘MSAA resolve buffers’:
- for each color attachment:
- glGenFramebuffers(1, ..)
- glBindFramebuffer()
- depending on attachment type:
- glFramebufferTexture2D() OR
- glFramebufferTextureLayer()
- glCheckFramebufferStatus() to check if framebuffer is complete
- for each color attachment:
- finally glBindFramebuffer() to restore the original framebuffer binding
- up to 6x glDeleteFramebuffer()
- glBindFramebuffer()
- if not default pass, and not GLES2: glDrawBuffers() (for MRT rendering)
- glViewport() to reset viewport to framebuffer size
- glScissor() same for scissor rect
- if necessary (check state cache), enable various states before clearing the framebuffer:
- glDepthMask(GL_TRUE)
- glDepthFunc(GL_ALWAYS)
- glStencilMask(0xFF)
- if not GLES2 and MRT-pass (multiple-render-target):
- for each color attachment:
- glClearBufferfv(GL_COLOR, …) (only if SG_ACTION_CLEAR requested)
- if depth-stencil-attachments exist, and depending on SG_ACTION_CLEAR on those:
- glClearBufferfv(GL_DEPTH_STENCIL, …) OR
- glClearBufferfv(GL_DEPTH, …) OR
- glClearBufferuiv(GL_STENCIL, …)
- for each color attachment:
- otherwise (all depending on whether SG_ACTION_CLEAR is requested):
- glClearColor()
- glClearDepth() OR glClearDepthf()
- glClearStencil()
- glClear()
- if not GLES2, and not default pass, and an MSAA pass, do an MSAA-resolve blit:
- glBindFramebuffer(GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, …)
- for each color attachment:
- glBindFramebuffer(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, …)
- glReadBuffer()
- glDrawBuffers()
- glBlitFramebuffer()
- bind the default framebuffer: glBindFramebuffer()
- glViewport() (that’s it)
- glScissor() (that’s it)
Apply new GL state filtered through the GL state cache:
- glDepthFunc()
- glDepthMask()
- glEnable/glDisable(GL_STENCIL_TEST)
- glStencilMask()
- 2x (front/back face) glStencilFuncSeparate()
- 2x (front/back face) glStencilOpSeparate()
- glEnable/glDisable(GL_BLEND)
- glBlendFuncSeparate()
- glBlendEquationSeparate()
- glColorMask()
- glBlendColor()
- glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE) OR glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE) + glCullFace()
- glFrontFace()
- glEnable/glDisable(GL_MULTISAMPLE) (only on GL3.3)
- glPolygonOffset()
- glEnable/glDisable(GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL)
- glUseProgram()
- for each shader stage:
- for each image bound to shader stage:
- glUniform1i()
- glActiveTexture()
- glBindTexture()
- for each image bound to shader stage:
- only if changed: glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, …)
- for each vertex attribute, and only if changed:
- if vertex attribute enabled:
- glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, …)
- glVertexAttribPointer()
- glVertexAttribDivisor() (if instancing supported)
- glEnableVertexAttribArray()
- otherwise (vertex attribute disabled)
- glDisableVertexAttribArray()
- if vertex attribute enabled:
- for each uniform in uniform block, depending on uniform type:
- glUniform1fv() OR
- glUniform2fv() OR
- glUniform3fv() OR
- glUniform4fv() OR
- glUniformMatrix4fv()
Note that each call to _sg_apply_uniform() will result in a single call to glUniform4fv() if “flattened uniform blocks” are used via a shader compiler like sokol-shdc.
One of:
- glDrawElements() OR
- glDrawElementsInstanced() OR
- glDrawArrays() OR
- glDrawArraysInstanced()
…clear any ‘left-over’ buffer- and texture-bindings:
- up to 2x glBindBuffer()
- up to 12x glActiveTexture()
- up to 48x glBindTexture()
_sg_gl_update_buffer(), _sg_gl_append_buffer()
- glBindBuffer() (filtered by state cache)
- glBufferSubData()
- glBindBuffer() (to restore previous buffer binding, filtered by state cache)
- glActiveTexture() + glBindTexture() (filtered by state cache)
- for each face (1 or 6):
- for each mipmap surface:
- glTexSubImage2D() OR
- glTexSubImage3D()
- for each mipmap surface:
- glActiveTexture() + glBindTexture() (to restore previous texture binding, filtered by state cache)
The End
…and that’s it for the GL backend. As you can see, GL can be a very verbose and messy API :/
The next two blog posts in the series will do the same ‘under the hood’ look for the D3D11 and Metal backends, and those will be a lot shorter :)