In a few days I will merge the next API-breaking update for the sokol headers. In general I try to keep such breaking updates to a minimum (at most two or three a year), that’s also why the changes in this merge will be a bit bigger than usual. Since I was going to break compatibility anyway, I added a few more changes that I had been collecting in the back of my head over the last 6 months or so.

The changes cover 3 major areas:

  1. Making the C APIs more ‘language binding friendly’, I’ve written about this in my last blog post. In parallel to the API changes I’ve brought the automatically generated Zig bindings into a state where they’re actually useful (also see my little Pacman.zig toy project).

  2. Add a long-missing feature to allow multiple-rendertarget-rendering with differing pixel formats, and while at it, per-attachment color-write-masks and blend-state (the latter is currently only supported on the D3D11 and Metal backends though).

  3. Some general cleanup in public structs, renaming some items, reorganising some nested structs for more convenience and clarity.

I tried to make all required changes actual compile errors (which explains some renames that might seem random at first). When compiling in C mode (instead of C++), you should also check for any warnings. Further down, this blog post contains simple “change recipes” for how to replace old code with new code.

The changes are tracked in the following pull-requests:

The Change List

Here’s a raw list of the public API changes. Don’t worry if this looks a bit overwhelming, below that will be the concrete change recipes, and below that a small “Q&A” about the reasons behind the changes.

  • sokol_gfx.h:
    • misc changes:
      • sg_range: a new struct to hold a pointer/size pair, and helper macros SG_RANGE and SG_RANGE_REF
      • sg_color: a new struct to hold an RGBA color value
      • sg_features.mrt_independent_blend_state: a new feature flag to indicate support for per-color-attachment blend states
      • sg_features.mrt_independent_write_mask: ditto to indicate if per-color-attachment write-masks are supported
      • in sg_color_mask all possible bit-flag combinations now have an explicit enumeration value (for instance SG_COLORMASK_RGA), this allows to treat sg_color_mask as a “proper enum” instead of a “flag-bits enum”
      • clean up sign conversions warnings (-Wsign-conversion on gcc and clang)
    • sg_pass_action:
      • sg_color_attachment_action.val has been renamed to .value and its type changed from float[4] to sg_color
      • sg_depth_attachment_action.val has been renamed to .value
      • sg_stencil_attachment_action.val has been renamed to .value
    • sg_buffer_desc:
      • the type of sg_buffer_desc.size has been changed from int to size_t
      • the pointer sg_buffer_desc.content has been replaced with a nested sg_range struct and renamed to
    • sg_image_desc:
      • the struct sg_sub_image_content has been removed (in favour of sg_range)
      • the type sg_image_content has been renamed to sg_image_data, and the nested subimage array is now of type sg_range[][]
      • sg_image_desc.content has been renamed to
    • sg_shader_desc:
      • the type of sg_shader_uniform_block_desc.size has been changed from int to size_t
      • sg_shader_image_desc.type has been renamed to .image_type
      • the sg_shader_stage_desc.byte_code/.byte_size pointer/size pair has been replaced with a nested sg_range struct called bytecode
    • sg_pipeline_desc:
      • the former sg_stencil_state struct has been renamed to sg_stencil_face_state
      • the struct sg_depth_stencil_state has been split into the structs sg_depth_state and sg_stencil_state
      • member names in the new structs sg_depth_state and sg_stencil_state have been shortened (remove the now redundant depth_ and stencil_ prefixes)
      • the struct sg_rasterizer_state has been eliminated
      • the following sg_rasterizer_state members have moved directly into sg_pipeline_desc: alpha_to_coverage_enabled, cull_mode, face_winding, sample_count
      • …and the following sg_rasterizer_state members have moved into sg_depth_state: depth_bias, depth_bias_slope_scale, depth_bias_clamp (and the depth_ prefix has been removed)
      • a new nested struct sg_color_state to describe per-color-attachment pixel format, color write mask and blend state
      • sg_blend_state.color_write_mask has moved to sg_color_state.write_mask
      • sg_blend_state.color_format has moved to sg_color_state.pixel_format
      • sg_blend_state.depth_format has moved to sg_depth_state.pixel_format
      • sg_blend_state.blend_color has moved to sg_pipeline_desc.blend_color, and its type changes from float[4] to sg_color
      • sg_blend_state.color_attachment_count has become sg_pipeline_desc.color_count
      • sg_pipeline_desc.depth_stencil has been split into .depth and .stencil
      • sg_pipeline_desc.blend has been replaced with an array of sg_color_state called .colors[]
    • sg_pass_desc:
      • the struct sg_attachment_desc has been renamed to sg_pass_attachment_desc
    • updated function signatures:
      • sg_update_buffer() and sg_append_buffer(): the data_ptr and data_size arguments have been replaced with an sg_range pointer
      • sg_update_image(): the sg_image_content type has been renamed to sg_image_data
      • sg_apply_uniforms(): the data and num_bytes arguments have been replaced with an sg_range pointer
    • new alternative functions which take float- instead of int-arguments (note the ‘f’ postfix):
      • sg_begin_passf(): width and height as floats
      • sg_apply_viewportf(): viewport position and size as floats
      • sg_apply_scissor_rectf(): scissor rect position and size as floats
  • sokol_app.h: no breaking changes, the following alternative functions have been added (note the ‘f’ postfix):
    • sapp_widthf(): returns the framebuffer width as float
    • sapp_heightf(): returns the framebuffer height as float
  • sokol_gl.h: no breaking changes, the following alternative functions have been added (note the ‘f’ postfix):
    • sgl_viewportf(): viewport position and size as floats
    • sgl_scissor_rectf(): scissor rect position and size as floats
  • sokol_debugtext.h:
    • a new struct sdtx_range and helper macro SDTX_RANGE()
    • sdtx_font_desc_t.ptr and .size has been merged into a nested sdtx_range struct with the name .data
  • sokol_shape.h:
    • a new struct sshape_range and helper macro SSHAPE_RANGE()
    • sshape_buffer_item_t:
      • the struct members .buffer_ptr and .buffer_size have been moved into a nested sshape_range struct named .buffer
      • the types of .data_size and .shape_offset have been changed from uint32_t to size_t
  • sokol-shdc (shader cross-compiler):
    • the code generated by sokol-shdc no longer directly calls sokol_gfx.h functions to get the runtime backend, instead the caller now needs to pass the correct backend into the generated code (see below in ‘Change Recipes’ section for examples)
    • various fixes in the generated code required for the sokol_gfx.h public struct changes
    • sokol-shdc can now generate code for the sokol-zig bindings

Change Recipes


Instead of separate pointer- and size-parameters, sg_apply_uniforms now takes a single sg_range pointer:

vs_params_t vs_params = /* ... */;

// OLD:
sg_apply_uniforms(SG_SHADERSTAGE_VS, 0, &vs_params, sizeof(vs_params));

// NEW (C, with and without SG_RANGE):
sg_apply_uniforms(SG_SHADERSTAGE_VS, 0, &SG_RANGE(vs_params));
sg_apply_uniforms(SG_SHADERSTAGE_VS, 0, &(sg_range){ &vs_params, sizeof(vs_params)});

// NEW (C++, with and without SG_RANGE):
sg_apply_uniforms(SG_SHADERSTAGE_VS, 0, SG_RANGE(vs_params));
sg_apply_uniforms(SG_SHADERSTAGE_VS, 0, { &vs_params, sizeof(vs_params) });

For code which must compile both in C and C++, you can use the special SG_RANGE_REF() macro:

// this compiles both in C and C++:
sg_apply_uniforms(SG_SHADERSTAGE_VS, 0, SG_RANGE_REF(vs_params));

Sample Code

sg_update_buffer(), sg_append_buffer()

Same as with sg_apply_uniforms(), the separate pointer- and size-parameters are now a single sg_range pointer:

// OLD:
sg_update_buffer(buf, data_ptr, data_size);
sg_append_buffer(buf, data_ptr, data_size);

// NEW (C, with and without SG_RANGE):
sg_update_buffer(buf, &SG_RANGE(data));
sg_append_buffer(buf, &SG_RANGE(data));
sg_update_buffer(buf, &(sg_range){ data_ptr, data_size});
sg_append_buffer(buf, &(sg_range){ data_ptr, data_size});

// NEW (C++):
sg_update_buffer(buf, SG_RANGE(data));
sg_append_buffer(buf, SG_RANGE(data));
sg_update_buffer(buf, { data_ptr, data_size});
sg_append_buffer(buf, { data_ptr, data_size});

Sample Code


The image-data type has been renamed from sg_image_content to sg_image_data, and is now composed of a 2D array of sg_range structs (which means you can use the SG_RANGE macro if the subimage pixel data is in a C array):

uint32_t pixels[] = { /*...*/ };

// OLD:
sg_update_image(img, &(sg_image_content){
    .subimage[0][0] = {
        .ptr = pixels,
        .size = sizeof(pixels)

// NEW
sg_update_image(img, &(sg_image_content){
    .subimage[0][0] = SG_RANGE(pixels)

Sample Code

Initializing sg_pass_action structs

Change .val to .value:

// OLD:
sg_pass_action pass_action = {
    .colors[0] = { .action = SG_ACTION_CLEAR, .val = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f } }

// NEW:
sg_pass_action pass_action = {
    .colors[0] = { .action = SG_ACTION_CLEAR, .value = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f } }

The type of clear-color value has changed from float[4] to sg_color, so the clear color can now be assigned in a single statement:

sg_color clear_color = { .r=1.0f, .g=0.5f, .b=0.25f, .a=1.0f };
pass_action.colors[0].value = clear_color;

Sample code

Creating immutable buffers (with initial data)

The common case of creating a buffer from an array of vertices or indices now looks like this (using the SG_RANGE helper macro):

float vertices[] = { /*...*/ };

// OLD:
sg_buffer vbuf = sg_make_buffer(&(sg_buffer_desc){
    .size = sizeof(vertices),
    .content = vertices

// NEW:
sg_buffer vbuf = sg_make_buffer(&(sg_buffer_desc){
    .data = SG_RANGE(vertices)

// ...or without the SG_RANGE() macro:
sg_buffer vbuf = sg_make_buffer(&(sg_buffer_desc){
    .data = {
        .ptr = vertices,
        .size = sizeof(vertices)

Sample Code

Creating dynamic buffers (without initial data)

This looks exactly as before:

sg_buffer vbuf = sg_make_buffer(&(sg_buffer_desc){
    .size = buffer_size,
    .usage = SG_USAGE_STREAM

Sample Code

Creating shaders via sokol-shdc

The generated functions which return an initialized sg_shader_desc struct now no longer call directly into sokol-gfx to query the rendering backend, instead the backend type must now be passed as argument from the outside:

// OLD:
sg_shader shd = sg_make_shader(triangle_shader_desc());

// NEW:
sg_shader shd = sg_make_shader(triangle_shader_desc(sg_query_backend()));

Sample Code

Creating shaders without sokol-shdc

If the shader uses textures, change .type to .image_type:

// OLD:
sg_shader shd = sg_make_shader(&(sg_shader_desc){
    /* ... */
    .fs.images[0].type = SG_IMAGETYPE_2D,
    /* ... */

// NEW:
sg_shader shd = sg_make_shader(&(sg_shader_desc){
    /* ... */
    .fs.images[0].image_type = SG_IMAGETYPE_2D,
    /* ... */

Sample Code

If the shader is precompiled (D3D11 or Metal), pass the bytecode as an sg_range struct:

// OLD:
sg_shader shd = sg_make_shader(&(sg_shader_desc){
    /* ... */
    .vs = {
        .byte_code = vs_bytecode_ptr
        .byte_code_size = vs_bytecode_size
    /* ... */

// NEW, if bytecode is in a C array:
const uint8_t vs_bytecode[] = { /*...*/ }
sg_shader shd = sg_make_shader(&(sg_shader_desc){
    /* ... */
    .vs.bytecode = SG_RANGE(vs_bytecode),
    /* ... */

// ...with separate pointer and size:
sg_shader shd = sg_make_shader(&(sg_shader_desc){
    /* ... */
    .vs.bytecode = {
        .ptr = vs_bytecode_ptr,
        .size = vs_bytecode_size
    /* ... */

Sample Code

Image Creation

The nested image content struct has been renamed from .content to .data, and the type changed from sg_image_content to sg_image_data:

uint32_t pixels[8][8] = { /*...*/ };

// OLD:
sg_image img = sg_make_image(&(sg_image_desc){
    .width = 8,
    .height = 8,
    .content.subimage[0][0] = {
        .ptr = pixels,
        .size = sizeof(pixels)

// NEW:
sg_image img = sg_make_image(&(sg_image_desc){
    .width = 8,
    .height = 8,
    .data.subimage[0][0] = SG_RANGE(pixels)

// ...or without SG_RANGE:
sg_image img = sg_make_image(&(sg_image_desc){
    .width = 8,
    .height = 8,
    .data.subimage[0][0] = {
        .ptr = pixels,
        .size = sizeof(pixels)

Sample Code

Pipeline Creation

In general:

  • no changes in the vertex layout definition (the nested .layout struct)
  • the nested .rasterizer struct has been “dissolved”, and its render states have been moved to the top-level struct and nested structs
  • the nested .depth_stencil struct has been split into .depth and .stencil
  • the nested .blend_state struct item has been replaced with a nested array of .color struct items, which define per-color-attachment attributes

Creating a minimal pipeline for 3D rendering:

// OLD:
sg_pipeline pip = sg_make_pipeline(&(sg_pipeline_desc){
    .layout = { /* ... */ },
    .shader = shd,
    .index_type = SG_INDEXTYPE_UINT16,
    .depth_stencil = {
        .depth_compare_func = SG_COMPAREFUNC_LESS_EQUAL,
        .depth_write_enabled = true,
    .rasterizer = {
        .cull_mode = SG_CULLMODE_BACK,

// NEW:
sg_pipeline pip = sg_make_pipeline(&(sg_pipeline_desc){
    .layout = { /* unchanged */ },
    .shader = shd,
    .index_type = SG_INDEXTYPE_UINT16,
    .cull_mode = SG_CULLMODE_BACK,
    .depth = {
        .compare = SG_COMPAREFUNC_LESS_EQUAL,
        .write_enabled = true,

Sample Code

Creating a pipeline for alpha-blended rendering:

// OLD:
sg_pipeline pip = sg_make_pipeline(&(sg_pipeline_desc){
    .layout = { /* ... */ },
    .shader = shd,
    .index_type = SG_INDEXTYPE_UINT16,
    .blend = {
        .enabled = true,
        .src_factor_rgb = SG_BLENDFACTOR_SRC_ALPHA,
        .dst_factor_rgb = SG_BLENDFACTOR_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA,
        .color_write_mask = SG_COLORMASK_RGB,

// NEW:
sg_pipeline pip = sg_make_pipeline(&(sg_pipeline_desc){
    .layout = { /* ... */ },
    .shader = shd,
    .index_type = SG_INDEXTYPE_UINT16,
    .colors[0] = {
        .write_mask = SG_COLORMASK_RGB,
        .blend = {
            .enabled = true,
            .src_factor_rgb = SG_BLENDFACTOR_SRC_ALPHA,
            .dst_factor_rgb = SG_BLENDFACTOR_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA,

Sample Code

Offscreen rendering with non-default pixel format and multi-sampling:

// OLD
sg_pipeline pip = sg_make_pipeline(&(sg_pipeline_desc){
    .layout = /* ... */
    .shader = shd,
    .index_type = SG_INDEXTYPE_UINT16,
    .depth_stencil = {
        .depth_compare_func = SG_COMPAREFUNC_LESS_EQUAL,
        .depth_write_enabled = true,
    .blend = {
        .color_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA32F,
        .depth_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_DEPTH,
    .rasterizer = {
        .cull_mode = SG_CULLMODE_BACK,
        .sample_count = 4,

// NEW:
sg_pipeline pip = sg_make_pipeline(&(sg_pipeline_desc))
    .layout = /* ... */
    .shader = shd,
    .index_type = SG_INDEXTYPE_UINT16,
    .cull_mode = SG_CULLMODE_BACK,
    .sample_count = 4,
    .depth = {
        .compare = SG_COMPAREFUNC_LESS_EQUAL,
        .write_enabled = true,
        .pixel_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_DEPTH,
    .colors[0].pixel_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA32F

Multiple-Render-Target rendering with default color pixel formats:

// OLD:
sg_pipeline pip = sg_make_pipeline(&(sg_pipeline_desc){
    .layout = /* ... */
    .shader = shd,
    .index_type - SG_INDEXTYPE_UINT16,
    .depth_stencil = {
        .depth_compare_func = SG_COMPAREFUNC_LESS_EQUAL,
        .depth_write_enabled = true
    .blend = {
        .color_attachment_count = 3,
        .depth_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_DEPTH
    .rasterizer = {
        .cull_mode = SG_CULLMODE_BACK,
        .sample_count = 4,

// NEW:
sg_pipeline pip = sg_make_pipeline(&(sg_pipeline_desc){
    .layout = /* ... */
    .shader = shd,
    .index_type - SG_INDEXTYPE_UINT16,
    .cull_mode = SG_CULLMODE_BACK,
    .sample_count = 4,
    .depth = {
        .pixel_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_DEPTH,
        .compare = SG_COMPAREFUNC_LESS_EQUAL,
        .write_enabled = true,
    .color_count = 3,

The old .blend.color_attachment_count has been renamed to .color_count and now also indicates the number of valid items in the .colors array of sg_color_state items which describes color-attachment attributes. But since all those attributes are initialized from their default values, only the number of color-attachments needs to be provided as long as the pass color-attachment images also have been created with default attributes

Sample Code

Multiple-Render-Target rendering with differing pixel formats

On backends which support MRT rendering (which is “all” except GLES2/WebGL1), the render targets can now have different pixel formats:

// OLD: this was not supported before

// NEW:
sg_pipeline pip = sg_make_pipeline(&(sg_pipeline_desc){
    .layout = /* ... */
    .shader = shd, 
    .index_type = SG_INDEXTYPE_UINT16,
    .cull_mode = SG_CULLMODE_BACK,
    .depth = {
        .pixel_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_DEPTH,
        .write_enabled = true,
        .compare = SG_COMPAREFUNC_LESS_EQUAL
    .color_count = 3,
    .colors = {
        [0].pixel_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA16F,
        [1].pixel_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_R32F,
        [2].pixel_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8

NOTE that you need to provide a count in this case which seems redundant, because the count could also be “inferred” from the initialized array items. This is because “missing” items will be initialized with their default values, yet sokol-gfx needs to know how many color attachments the pipeline will be configured with.

Sample Code

You can also setup an MRT pipeline object which per-color-attachment blend functions, but this is currently only supported in the D3D11 and Metal backends (check sg_query_features().mrt_independent_blend_state for support):

sg_pipeline pip = sg_make_pipeline(&(sg_pipeline_desc){
    /* ... */
    .color_count = 3,
    .colors = {
        [0] = {
            .pixel_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA16F,
            .blend = {
                .enabled = true,
                .src_factor_rgb = SG_BLENDFACTOR_SRC_ALPHA,
                .dst_factor_rgb = SG_BLENDFACTOR_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA,
        [1] = {
            .pixel_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA32F,
            .blend = {
                .enabled = true,
                .src_factor_rgb = /* ... */,
                .dst_factor_rgb = /* ... */,
        [2] = {
            .pixel_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8,
            .blend = {
                .enabled = true,
                /* ... */

Q & A

Why the “range” structs?

Mainly to enable better language bindings to languages which have “proper” array- and slice-types. But it also makes a lot of sense for C and C++ when a pointer/size pair can be initialized and passed around as a single item.

Why the sg_color struct?

Because one can’t assign an array to another array of the same size in C and C++:

// this doesn't work:
const float a[4] = { 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f };
const float b[4] = a;

// but this works:
const sg_color a = { 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f };
const sg_color b = a;

Why are there two sizes in sg_buffer_desc?

The sg_buffer_desc struct now has two size items, one in the top-level struct, and one in the nested sg_range struct:

const sg_buffer_desc desc = {
    .size = ...,
    .data.size = ...,

This might seem a bit confusing, because there are two different items to describe the buffer size…

I actually went back and forth on this a few time until I settled for the current solution. Think of the top-level .size item as the buffer size, and the .data.size item as the size of the data that’s copied into the buffer on creation. Currently there’s a restriction that the data size must match the buffer size, but this might be relaxed in later API versions, allowing the initially copied data to be smaller than the buffer size (current plan is that this will be part of a “dynamic resource update overhaul” which makes the whole area of copying data into and between buffers and images more flexible).

Until then you should only initialize one of the size items:

  • for immutable buffers with initial data, initialize the .data.size and .data.ptr items, and keep .size zero-initialized
  • for dynamic buffers (without initial data), initialize only the .size item, and keep the whole .data nested struct zero-initialized.

The “default-value fixup” that’s happening inside sokol-gfx will then take care of the rest (e.g. it will copy .data.size into .size for the ‘immutable buffer case’)

Why doesn’t the GL backend support per-attachment blend-functions?

This will be fixed at a later time.

Currently in the GL backends, all color attachments must use the same blend function (or precisely, the blend function from the first color attachment will be used for all other color attachments of a rendering pass).

Fixing this will require to upgrade the desktop GL backend code to use GL 4.0, because the required function glBlendFuncSeparatei() is only available since GL 4.0. Such a switch also offers other opportunities to modernize the GL backend, so it makes more sense to do this in a separate update.

The GLES code paths will most likely not get this feature though because the main purpose of the GLES path is WebGL support, and WebGL2 is “stuck” at GLES 3.0, while glBlendFuncSeparatei() was only added in GLES 3.2.

Why don’t the GLES/WebGL backends support different color write masks?

Same reason as above, the required function glColorMaski is only available since GLES 3.2.

(but note that the desktop GL backend supports independent color masks).

Why has the sg_pipeline_desc struct changed that much

The initial reason why sg_pipeline_desc has changed at all was the addition of per-color-attachment pixel formats. And since the “dam was broken” anyway, I added a few more changes that had been rolling around in the back of my head for a while.

From today’s point-of-view it makes little sense to structure the pipeline creation descriptor structs like “traditional” 3D APIs. For instance in D3D11, the vertex-layout, depth-stencil-state, rasterizer-state and blend-state can all be set independently. Metal went a huge step forward to integrate those states, but still treats the depth-stencil-state separately.

D3D12, Vulkan and WebGPU integrated all those separate state objects into a single immutable pipeline-state object, but the creation-information is still structured like in the “legacy” APIs. There are nested depth-stencil-, rasterizer- and blend-state structs, even though technically this doesn’t make much sense because those states can’t be changed independently anymore.

Instead in sokol_gfx.h I decided now to change things around in sg_pipeline_desc so that it looks “nicer” when used with C99 designated initialization. All the redundant prefixes (like “depth_” or “stencil_”) are gone and instead the state names with common prefixes are now grouped into their own nested structs.

Since it doesn’t make any technical sense to structure the interior of the sg_pipeline_desc struct in the “traditional” way, it might just as well be more convenient by requiring less typing.

Why no bigger signed- vs unsigned-integer API changes

There are a lot of signed integers in the Sokol APIs that “should” be unsigned because negative values make no sense for them. Originally I was planning to do a big signed-vs-unsigned cleanup, but reconsidered after an enlightening Twitter discussion thread:

The gist is that in a language without robust under/overflow checking it is better to prefer signed integers even for values that are not supposed to be negative, because it’s too easy to produce accidental underflows when subtracting two unsigned integers, but hard to check whether an unsigned underflow actually happend (because you don’t get a negative number, but a very big positive number out of it, which might be indistuingishable from large valid numbers).

Unsigned integers should only be used for special cases, like bit-wise operations, or modulo arithmetics (where overflow is an actual “feature”).

I allowed one other exception, when an item is usually assigned from a sizeof() statement: In that case I opted for using the size_t type for that item.

Unfortunately this rule of “almost always signed” isn’t a good match for more strongly typed languages like Zig and Rust, because (for instance) both of those languages use unsigned integers for common things like array indices. But those languages also have robust over/underflow checking, so using unsigned integers makes more sense there. This presents a conflict in the whole idea to make the Sokol C-APIs more binding-friendly.

Long story short: I’ll come up with a separate solution which will resolve this conflict without plastering the C-API with unsigned integers. One idea is to introduce specific typedefs in the C-APIs such as sg_count, sg_index etc… which then can remain signed on the C-API side, but the auto-generated bindings may change those to unsigned types. Currently I’m not a big fan of that idea though because it makes the C-API more “obscure” (strong-typing fans might disagree). Another solution which I currently prefer is to use a manually maintained type-override-map to change the type of specific API items.

Why does the sokol-shdc generated code no longer call sokol_gfx.h functions directly?

This was a feature request to make the shader-compiler usable with hot-code-reloading where the sokol-libraries are in hot-reloaded DLLs. This requires calling the sokol functions through jump tables which are patched on DLL reload. It also makes the generated code a bit more flexible, for instance the change makes it possible to get the generated sg_shader_desc struct for any sokol-gfx backend, not just the active one.

What’s the point of those additional ‘*f()’ functions?

To eliminate casting from integer to float and back to integer if framebuffer coordinate computations must be done in floating point. In C and C++ this isn’t a big deal, but it becomes a bit of a hassle in strongly typed languages which require explicit casting between integer and float.

Over and out :)