In a couple of days I will merge the first big API update of 2024 for sokol_gfx.h (with some related changes in sokol_app.h, sokol_glue.h and sokol_gfx_imgui.h).

NOTE: most links to code examples will only point to the right code after PR #985 has been merged!

The API update in sokol_gfx.h is a BREAKING CHANGE for all code, but for most use cases the required changes are fairly minimal.

Apologies for the broken syntax highlighting, apparently Rouge doesn’t understand C99.

Table of Contents

Overview and Motivation

The general topic of this update is a cleanup of the sokol-gfx render pass functions and how external swapchain information is passed into sokol-gfx.

Previously there was a special ‘default render pass’ into a ‘default framebuffer’, and the concept of ‘contexts’ to allow switching between different rendering contexts and their default framebuffers (very similar to traditional OpenGL contexts, and in fact this old behavior only ever matched OpenGL, but not the other backend APIs).

This setup was needlessly complicated for people who want to use sokol-gfx to render into multiple windows, leading to planning ticket #904, and then to PR #985.

The gist is:

  • There is now only a single ‘unified’ sg_begin_pass() function which covers both rendering into sokol-gfx render target textures (aka ‘offscreen passes’) and externally managed ‘swapchains’ (aka ‘swapchain passes’).
  • The entire concept of contexts has been removed from sokol_gfx.h.
  • External swapchain properties are now passed directly into sg_begin_pass() in a transient structure.

Instead of having a special and unique ‘default-render-pass’ per frame and context, an application can now simply call sg_begin_pass() multiple times per frame, each time with properties for a different swapchain, and all that without having to create ‘context objects’ upfront or ‘switching contexts’.

Most simple applications that don’t render into offscreen passes and use sokol_gfx.h together with sokol_app.h and sokol_glue.h only need to change two calls: sg_setup() and sg_begin_default_pass(), for other situations please check the ‘Change Recipes’ section further down.

In addition to this blog post, please also re-read the documentation headers in sokol_gfx.h and sokol_app.h, and specifically the struct documentation for the new sokol-gfx structs sg_environment and sg_swapchain.

Detailed change list


The following public API structs and functions have been removed:

  • sg_begin_default_pass()
  • sg_begin_default_passf()
  • struct sg_context_desc
  • struct sg_context
  • sg_setup_context()
  • sg_activate_context()
  • sg_discard_context()

The following top-level structs have been added:

  • struct sg_environment: this is passed as a nested struct of sg_desc into the sg_setup() call to provide information about the environment sokol-gfx runs in (most importantly 3D API device pointers).

  • struct sg_swapchain: this is passed into sg_begin_pass() for render passes which should render into an externally managed swapchain. The struct contains the following information:

    • the pixel format of the swapchain’s rendering surface
    • the pixel format of the optional depth/stencil surface
    • an MSAA sample count
    • 3D backend specific resource handles, like D3D11/WebGPU texture views, Metal drawables, or GL framebuffers

The resource handle type sg_pass has been renamed to sg_attachments (to free the name for another purpose), this also causes related renames:

  • sg_pass => sg_attachments
  • sg_pass_desc => sg_attachments_desc
  • sg_pass_info => sg_attachments_info
  • sg_make_pass() => sg_make_attachments()
  • sg_destroy_pass() => sg_destroy_attachments()
  • sg_query_pass_state() => sg_query_attachments_state()
  • sg_query_pass_info() => sg_query_attachments_info()
  • sg_query_pass_desc() => sg_query_attachments_desc()
  • sg_alloc_pass() => sg_alloc_attachments()
  • sg_dealloc_pass() => sg_dealloc_attachments()
  • sg_init_pass() => sg_init_attachments()
  • sg_fail_pass() => sg_fail_attachments()
  • sg_[*]_pass_info() => sg_[*]_attachments_info() (where ‘*’ is ‘d3d11 gl metal wgpu’)

Inside the sg_attachments_desc struct there has been some renaming to reduce redundancy:

  • .color_attachments[] => .colors[]
  • .resolve_attachments[] => .resolves[]
  • .depth_stencil_attachment => .depth_stencil

The typename sg_pass has been repurposed to serve as the sg_begin_pass() parameter, e.g. the begin-pass function signature now looks like this:

void sg_begin_pass(const sg_pass* pass);

With the struct sg_pass now looking like this (with omitted start/end canaries):

typedef struct sg_pass {
    sg_pass_action action;
    sg_attachments attachments;
    sg_swapchain swapchain;
    const char* label;
} sg_pass;

For an ‘offscreen-render-pass’, an .attachments item must be provided, but no .swapchain:

    .action = pass_action,
    .attachments = attachments,

…and for a ‘swapchain-render-pass’, a .swapchain item must be provided, but no .attachments:

    .action = pass_action,
    .swapchain = sglue_swapchain(),

Other unrelated ‘drive-by-changes’ in sokol_gfx.h:

  • sg_limits.gl_max_vertex_uniform_vectors has been replaced with sg_limits.gl_max_vertex_uniform_components (see #714)
  • the start and end canaries in sg_pass_action have been removed (since sg_pass_action is now a nested struct of sg_pass, the canaries are redundant)
  • a new initialization config item sg_desc.mtl_use_command_buffer_with_retained_references has been added, (see: #981)


The following public API function has been removed:

  • sapp_metal_get_renderpass_descriptor()

The following functions have been renamed:

  • sapp_metal_get_drawable() => sapp_metal_get_current_drawable()
  • sapp_d3d11_get_render_target_view() => sapp_d3d11_get_render_view()

…and the following functions are new:

  • sapp_metal_get_depth_stencil_texture()
  • sapp_metal_get_msaa_color_texture()
  • sapp_d3d11_get_resolve_view()
  • sapp_gl_get_framebuffer()

…These functions directly plug into the new sg_swapchain struct in sokol_gfx.h.


sokol_glue.h is now a regular library header without the ‘preprocessor magic’ which created a different API depending on what other sokol headers had been included before sokol_glue.h (this was an ‘interesting’ but ultimately pretty stupid idea).

The API prefix has changed from a somewhat confusing sapp_ to the expected sglue_.

The old function sapp_sgcontext() has been split into two new functions:

  • sglue_environment() which plugs directly into sg_desc.environment, and…
  • sglue_swapchain() which plugs into sg_pass.swapchain

Note that sglue_swapchain() may return different values each frame depending on the 3D API backend.


In a similar vein, the public API prefix of sokol_gfx_imgui.h has been changed from the weird ‘double prefix’ sg_imgui_ to a more conventional sgimgui_.

Apart from this publicly visible change, all the internals have been updated to reflect the sokol-gfx API changes.

If you use sokol_gfx.h + sokol_app.h + sokol_glue.h, check out the updated samples here (first click on a sample, and then on the ‘src’ link at the bottom):

Specifically look at clear-sapp for the simple case of only rendering to a default framebuffer, and offscreen-sapp for rendering to an offscreen render target.

If you use sokol_gfx.h with your own window system glue, or a library like GLFW or SDL, check out the updated backend specific examples:

The GLFW subdirectory also contains an updated multiwindow-glfw sample, and a metal-glfw sample which demonstrates how to use GLFW in NO_API mode together with the sokol_gfx.h Metal backend.

Also please be aware of the following behaviour and expectation changes if you are using your own window system glue:

  • For D3D11/DXGI the MSAA resolve operation is now performed in sg_end_pass(), previously this was expected to be performed in the window system glue before presentation.

  • For Metal it is now expected that the window system glue provides a CAMetalDrawable and optional MTLTexture objects instead of an MTLRenderPassDescriptor. This was also done to better ‘harmonize’ with the other backends (it’s just as easy getting those individual objects from an MTKView as the MTLRenderPassDescriptor).

  • For GL, sokol-gfx now expects that all rendering goes through a single GL context. This may require changes to existing code which renders into multiple windows (for instance in GLFW, every window has its own GL context). Refer to the new multiwindow-glfw.c example for a possible solution.

Additionally, check out the following PRs for required changes in my toy projects:

When using the language bindings, check out the following PRs:

Detailed Change Recipes

…for sokol_gfx.h + sokol_app.h + sokol_glue.h

When using sokol_gfx.h together with sokol_app.h and sokol_glue.h…

…change your sg_setup() call from this:

    .context = sapp_sgcontext(),
    .logger.func = slog_func,

…to this:

    .environment = sglue_environment(),
    .logger.func = slog_func,

Change the sg_begin_default_pass() call from this:

sg_begin_default_pass(&pass_action, sapp_width(), sapp_height());

…to this:

    .action = pass_action,
    .swapchain = sglue_swapchain()

…for offscreen render passes

Change sg_make_pass() calls from this:

sg_pass pass = sg_make_pass(&(sg_pass_desc){
    .color_attachments[0].image = color_img,
    .resolve_attachments[0].image = resolve_img,
    .depth_stencil_attachment.image = depth_img,

…to this:

sg_attachments attachments = sg_make_attachments(&(sg_attachments_desc){
    .colors[0].image = color_img,
    .resolves[0].image = resolve_img,
    .depth_stencil.image = depth_img,

Change sg_begin_pass() calls from this:

sg_begin_pass(pass, &pass_action);

…to this:

    .action = pass_action,
    .attachments = attachments,

…for custom window system glue

Create two helper functions, one which returns an initialized sg_environment struct and one which returns an initialized sg_swapchain struct. Following are examples how these functions might look like for different backend 3D APIs.

…using D3D11

Example implementations:

sg_environment d3d11_environment(void) {
    return (sg_environment){
        .defaults = {
            .color_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_BGRA8,
            .depth_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_DEPTH_STENCIL,
            .sample_count = 4,
        .d3d11 = {
            .device = d3d11_device, // ID3D11Device*
            .device_context = d3d11_device_context, // ID3D11DeviceContext*

.defaults.color_format, defaults.depth_format and defaults.sample_count should match the ‘most common’ swapchain surface properties. These defaults will be used to fill in defaults for zero-initialized values in various sokol-gfx calls. .depth_format can also be SG_PIXELFORMAT_NONE if no depth-buffer exists, or SG_PIXELFORMAT_DEPTH if no stencil buffer is used.

The associated DXGI depth-stencil-view pixel formats are:


The helper function to obtain an sg_swapchain struct might look like this:

sg_swapchain d3d11_swapchain(void) {
    return (sg_swapchain){
        .width = state.width,
        .height = state.height,
        .sample_count = state.sample_count,
        .color_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_BGRA8,
        .depth_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_DEPTH_STENCIL,
        .d3d11 = {
            .render_view = (state.sample_count == 1) ? state.rt_view : state.msaa_view,
            .resolve_view = (state.sample_count == 1) ? 0 : state.rt_view,
            .depth_stencil_view = state.ds_view,

state.rt_view and state.msaa_view are of type ID3D11RenderTargetView and state.ds_view is of type ID3D11DepthStencilView.

Note how a different .d3d11.render_view is selected depending on whether multisampled rendering is used or not. For non-multisampled rendering, sokol-gfx renders into the same view that’s presented. For multisampled rendering, sokol-gfx will render into an intermediate MSAA texture view (state.msaa_view) which is then resolved into the d3d11.resolve_view inside sg_end_pass().

Also check out the example D3D11 window system glue code here:

…using Metal

Example function which returns an initialized sg_environment struct:

sg_environment osx_environment(void) {
    return (sg_environment) {
        .defaults = {
            .sample_count = sample_count,
            .color_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_BGRA8,
            .depth_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_DEPTH_STENCIL,
        .metal = {
            .device = (__bridge const void*) mtl_device,

The ObjC type of mtl_device is id<MTLDevice>. Note the special __bridge cast to a void pointer for tunneling through the sokol_app.h and sokol_gfx.h C APIs.

…and the function which returns an sg_swapchain struct (in this case using an MTKView to manage the swapchain surfaces):

sg_swapchain osx_swapchain(void) {
    return (sg_swapchain) {
        .width = (int) [mtk_view drawableSize].width,
        .height = (int) [mtk_view drawableSize].height,
        .sample_count = sample_count,
        .color_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_BGRA8,
        .depth_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_DEPTH_STENCIL,
        .metal = {
            .current_drawable = (__bridge const void*) [mtk_view currentDrawable],
            .depth_stencil_texture = (__bridge const void*) [mtk_view depthStencilTexture],
            .msaa_color_texture = (__bridge const void*) [mtk_view multisampleColorTexture],

Also check out the Metal window system glue code here:

…alternatively check out the GLFW+Metal example here which doesn’t use an MTKView (but also doesn’t support a depth-buffer or MSAA rendering):

…using WebGPU

The environment- and swapchain-helper-functions look very similar to D3D11:

sg_environment wgpu_environment(void) {
    return (sg_environment) {
        .defaults = {
            .color_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_...,
            .depth_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_...,
            .sample_count = state.desc.sample_count,
        .wgpu = {
            .device = (const void*) state.device,

For .defaults.color_format you should use the result of wgpuSurfaceGetPreferredFormat() translated to a sokol-gfx pixel format (either SG_PIXELFORMAT_BGRA8 or SG_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8).

For the depth format use either SG_PIXELFORMAT_DEPTH_STENCIL, SG_PIXELFORMAT_DEPTH or SG_PIXELFORMAT_NONE, which translate to WebGPU pixel formats as follows:

  • SG_PIXELFORMAT_DEPTH_STENCIL => WGPUTextureFormat_Depth32FloatStencil8
  • SG_PIXELFORMAT_DEPTH => WGPUTextureFormat_Depth32Float

The type of state.device is WGPUDevice.

The WebGPU swapchain helper function might look like this:

sg_swapchain wgpu_swapchain(void) {
    return (sg_swapchain) {
        .width = state.width,
        .height = state.height,
        .sample_count = state.sample_count,
        .color_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_...,
        .depth_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_...,
        .wgpu = {
            .render_view = (state.sample_count == 1) state.rt_view : state.msaa_view,
            .resolve_view = (state.sample_count == 1) ? 0 : state.rt_view,
            .depth_stencil_view = state.ds_view,

…note the selection for .wgpu.render_view and .wgpu.resolve_view based on the MSAA sample count, which works the same as in the d3d11_swapchain() function.

The types for all view objects are WGPUTextureView.

Also check out the WebGPU system glue code here:

…GL with GLFW

The environment-helper-function only returns default pixel formats and sample count:

sg_environment glfw_environment(void) {
    return (sg_environment) {
        .defaults = {
            .color_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8,
            .depth_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_DEPTH_STENCIL,
            .sample_count = 4,

…the swapchain function also returns a GL framebuffer object, for the default framebuffer this is always zero, otherwise this is a handle created with glGenFramebuffers().

sg_swapchain glfw_swapchain(void) {
    int width, height;
    glfwGetFramebufferSize(_window, &width, &height);
    return (sg_swapchain) {
        .width = width,
        .height = height,
        .sample_count = _sample_count,
        .color_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8,
        .depth_format = SG_PIXELFORMAT_DEPTH_STENCIL,
        .gl = {
            .framebuffer = 0,

Also see

Q: Why still have a baked pass attachments object?

I’ve been pondering for a little bit to get rid of pre-baked pass-attachments objects alltogether (e.g. what were formerly sg_pass objects and are now sg_attachments objects), and instead pass a transient struct with the same information that’s in sg_attachments_desc into the sg_begin_pass() function, similar to how sg_apply_bindings() takes a transient sg_bindings struct with all the resource bindings.

I didn’t follow through with that idea because this would mean creating temporary objects inside sg_begin_pass() and discarding them again in sg_end_pass() (or alternatively use a ‘hash-and-cache’ approach).

In D3D11 and WebGPU, one temporary texture view object would need to be created per pass-attachment (which may add up to 9 temporary objects), and in the GL backend, a GL framebuffer object must be created, configured and checked for completeness. All this work currently only happens once in sg_make_attachments(), but would need to happen inside sg_begin_pass() without baked attachments objects.

While these backend API objects should be ‘reasonably cheap’ to create, I still decided against it.

Currently the only other place where such temporary objects are created and discarded on the fly are in the sg_apply_bindings() call for the WebGPU backend, where temporary BindGroup objects are created and discarded dynamically via a ‘hash-and-cache’ approach and I hate it :) I don’t want that type of code to creep into other places.

Now, sg_begin_pass() and sg_end_pass() are by far not as high-frequency-calls as sg_apply_bindings(), and creating view- and framebuffer-objects should be cheap enough, but it still feels ‘wrong’ to create and discard backend API objects willy-nilly during the frame.