
Exporting from fips projects

A fipsified project can provide different types of ’exports’ to other fips projects:

  • code modules
  • header search paths
  • pre-compiled static libs
  • C/C++ preprocessor defines
  • a cmake include which is included in root CMakeLists.txt files of importing projects
  • new fips commands
  • build configs
  • code generator scripts

Exporting Code Modules

Projects can export modules defined with the fips_begin_module() and fips_begin_lib() commands in under the ’exports’ section of the fips.yml file.

For instance, here are the exported modules of the Oryol 3D engine:

    modules :
        # engine modules
        Core :          code/Modules/Core
        IO :            code/Modules/IO
        Messaging :     code/Modules/Messaging
        HTTP :          code/Modules/HTTP
        Gfx :           code/Modules/Gfx
        Resource :      code/Modules/Resource
        Assets :        code/Modules/Assets
        Time :          code/Modules/Time
        Dbg :           code/Modules/Dbg
        Input :         code/Modules/Input
        Synth :         code/Modules/Synth
        NanoVG :        code/Modules/NanoVG

        # ext libs
        ConvertUTF:         code/Ext/ConvertUTF
        android-native:     code/Ext/android_native
        flextgl:            code/Ext/flextgl

The ‘value’ in the modules export dictionary is the directory where the CMakeLists.txt file of the module lives, relative to the project root directory.

The ‘key’ value must be identical with the name of the module defined in the CMakeLists.txt file.

Exporting Header Search Paths

NOTE: header-dirs exports in fips.yml should be considered deprecated, Use cmake’s target_include_directories() instead!

Projects can export a list of header search paths in their fips.yml file which are then defined in the toplevel CMakeLists.txt file of the importing project and are visible to the entire project:

    header-dirs :
        - code
        - code/Modules
        - code/Ext

Exporting Precompiled Static Libs

Exporting precompiled static libs works a bit differently, they are not defined in the fips.yml file, instead fips checks if the imported project has a ’libs’ directory. If yes, library search paths are automatically added in the importing project, so that the imported libs are found automatically by fips_libs().

Static link libs need to be located in subdirectories of ’libs’ named after the target platform the libs are compiled for:

┗━━ fips-sdks/
    ┗━━ osx/
    ┗━━ win32/
    ┗━━ win64/
    ┗━━ linux/
    ┗━━ emscripten/
    ┗━━ ios/
    ┗━━ android/

There’s no directory separation for release and debug versions of precompiled libs. If you need this, it must be handled through differently named libs (e.g. a _d postfix for debug libs).

NOTE: the way how static library imports are defined may change in the future (moving them into the fips.yml file)

Exporting C/C++ Preprocessor Defines

Projects can list C/C++ preprocessor defines as key/value pairs in the export section of the fips.yml file. These defines are visible in the entire CMakeLists.txt hierarchy of the importing project. Here’s an example from fips-glm to set the angle unit to radians:

exports :
    defines :

For finer control (e.g. define different defines for different platforms) it is better to directly use cmake add_defines() statements in the fips-include.cmake file (discussed below).

The fips-include.cmake File

Projects can place an optional fips-include.cmake file into their root directory with additional cmake statements. This file is both included when building the project directory, as well as in the toplevel CMakeLists.txt file of importing projects. Have a look at Oryol’s fips-include.cmake file for an example:


Adding New Fips Commands

Projects can have an optional directory ‘fips-files/verbs’ containing python scripts which add new subcommands (== verbs) to fips. The name of the python script (without the .py) is the name of the command, and the script must define two special functions help and run:

  • help(): this is called when ‘fips help’ is invoked, should print a help message formatted like the other builtin help messges
  • run(fips_dir, proj_dir, args): contains the actual logic of the command. The args fips_dir and proj_dir are the absolute paths to the fips directory and the project directory where the command is run from. Args is a string array of all arguments given to the command.

As an example, have a look at Oryol’s ‘webpage’ command here:


Build Configs

Projects can define new build configs which extend fips’ builtin configs. These build config files must be located in a subdirectory called ‘fips-files/configs’.

Again, here’s are example configs in the Oryol engine:


Code Generator Scripts

Projects can extend fips with code generation python scripts in the ‘fips-files/generators’ subdirectory. The details are described on the Code Generation Page.